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Making Ourselves Look Foolish - Week 2

We know that neither of us were exactly bang-on in our picks in Week 1, so thanks for giving us another shot.  And yes, we know that if Mike Bishop starts penning a prediction column we're out on our asses.

Rusty's Picks:

Montreal at Winnipeg:

OK, I guess we better make this official. Scheduling a performance with Tom Cochrane during the Grey Cup last year - brilliant.  Performing the "Symphony of Destruction" at the Bombers home opener this year - inspired. Playing at the actual game against Montreal in what can only be construed as a call-out of Kent Nagano and the OSM - awesome.  So with that, we are proud to announce that the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra is the official orchestra of Boatmenblog.  If they want to come to this year's Grey Cup, we'll be more than happy to billet a few flutists.

Pick: Winnipeg

Edmonton at B.C.:

So the Eskies' Rahim Abdullah claimed on Monday that BC's Rob Murphy and Jason Jimenez are the dirtiest players in the league.  See Ed Philion, this is what happens when you retire. People forget about you just a couple of weeks into the year.

Pick: BC 

Toronto at Hamilton:

So Mookie Mitchell could be lining up at receiver in a couple of weeks (good thing I kept that jersey), Steve Christie could be kicking field goals for a living and I'm excited about a Michael Bishop start. It's officially 1998.  And the fact that I was able to make an age-related comment about the Argos that didn't involve Damon Allen scares the hell out of me.

Pick: Toronto

Calgary at Saskatchewan:

As we noted in our soon-to-be award-winning game diary last week, Reggie Hunt is wearing a shaded visor during night games in a nod to his idol - Corey Hart.  In their continuing nod to '80s Canadian pop, Jaime Boreham has requested that whenever he dances around the end zone before conceeding a safety the P.A. blare The Safety Dance.

Pick: Calgary

A-Rad's Picks:

Montreal at Winnipeg:

Regular readers will be shocked to know that our favourite Montreal columnist has already given up on the Als. Jim Popp, apparently, is failing because...wait for it...he's a Don Matthews disciple. Meanwhile, it seems our man has been talking to his scalper friends again, who once again are tragically having trouble selling tickets. Honestly, I'm pretty sure this guy would get kicked off talk radio for being too reactionary.

Pick: Montreal

Edmonton at B.C.:

You might not realize it from Rusty's comment above, but apparently Abdullah's shot at a pair of Lions players signalled the decline of Western civilization - so says the Vancouver Sun's Mike Beamish, at any rate. "Sad"..."embarrassing"..."demeaning"...all that from "a standard yo-mama crack taking on a life of its own." If only Wilmer Valderrama had turned up, Beamish's head might have exploded.

Pick: BC 

Toronto at Hamilton:

I don't often get to point this out, seeing as how this isn't a baseball blog. And besides, it's kind of a statement of the obvious. But holy crap, Richard Griffin is painful to read. It's not that I disagree with what he has to say...it's that I have no idea what he's trying to say. Seriously, read this foray into football-writing and figure out what he's on about. If you can convince me there's any actual point in here, I'll buy you a beer before the next game.

Pick: Toronto

Calgary at Saskatchewan:

Some sports heroes get stadiums named after them. Or trophies. Or at least a side street somewhere. But if you're Kent Austin, the last quarterback to lead the Rougriders to a Grey Cup win, you get a parking lot. Which is kind of fitting, when you think about it, since all those cars sitting there get to move around about as much as his running backs.

Pick: Calgary

Bonus pick: 

All of the Argos have been injured in practice, leaving Pinball to play the Ticats by himself. Like us, Pinball has spent much of his week on the phone with the Hamilton branch of Ticketmaster trying to get someone to actually pick up the phone and help him buy some tickets...and he's still on the line at game time. How does Pinball do?*

Boatmenblog pick: Pinball 896, Ticats 1. (Playing with the phone in his hand for the first quarter, Pinball struggles - only scoring 72 points while giving up a rouge. Finally realizing that nobody actually works at the Hamilton Ticketmaster, Pinball tosses away the phone at the start of the second quarter and proceeds to outscore the Ticats 824-0.)

* = Everything we need to know about football analysis, we learned from early '90s SNL sketches. 

Posted on Wednesday, July 4, 2007 at 10:02AM by Registered CommenterRusty in | CommentsPost a Comment

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