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Wherefore art thou, Pigskin Pete?

CFL fans are undoubtedly aware of the fact that Paul Weiler, the man who played Pigskin Pete III retired at the end of last season, and that the Cats were going to be undertaking an exhaustive search for the next Pete in the off season.  Except that they didn't.

As reported by Perry Lefko at Sportsnet.ca, the team failed to hire a full-time Pete and is instead going with three different stand ins for each game. The Cats' Scott McNaughton told Lefko that "At every game this season, the spirit of Pigskin Pete will live on via three Oskee-wee-wees at Ivor Wynne Stadium -- one by a kid, one by a fan and one by a celebrity." Proving definitely that even the Ticats recognize that no kids or celebrities are also fans of the Ticats.

Now having watched the new plan in action last night, we feel comfortable in saying that it doesn't work. First of all, there were no kids cast in the Pete role and unless they are somehow counting Angelo Mosca, there was no celebrity either. Regardless of that though, a big reason that the Pete role works is that he would walk around the field interacting with fans and that is something that cannot be replicated by the army of impersonators.

So come on Hamiltonians. Run a comb through that mullet get out there and demand that someone wear the bowler hat full time. At the very least it'll take your mind off of the other on field product.  It's hammer time.

Posted on Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 01:26PM by Registered CommenterRusty in , | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

They say that Bob Young gave a speech before the Ti Cat / Argo game on Saturday...

Best to keep the owner out of the dressing room for the rest of the season me thinks...
July 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKP
Bob will definitely need to make a speech prior to the Labour Day game, it's too important not to. And the return game on the 8th, he should make one then too.
July 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRusty
Never mind Pigskin Pete,

Spare a thought for poor old Stripes....

From the Hamilton Spectator

July 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKP
Ah, Stripes. We hung with him (out of character) at least year's Grey Cup, but we resisted the temptation to kick him in the groin. We're big that way.
July 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterA-Rad

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