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Argo Notes

No, not the delightful pep band, but a collection of random thoughts from the win over the Eskies.

  • Always nice to see Ricky Foggie get another win for the Argos (and for the record I still call the Ballad of Ricky Foggie for a CFL fantasy team). Foggie of course was the impetus for the Argos brain trust to take a look at James Robinson, and yes there's no way before the game that I would have guessed that the heroes would include James Robinson and Tyler Scott.  Tyler Freakin' Scott!
  • If we had our way, every halftime show would be mascot football. Another good outing this year, even if the Raptor strikes us as the Ben Johnson of the group. There's a good chance that 10 years from now that he'll be promoting  some hair replacement system for the 2030 version of D'Angelo. Anyway, it's unfortunate that the Coffee Time Coffee Mug was unavailable this year. Scouts have called the potential to lob the ball up into the mug "enticing".
  • It was a great idea by the Argos to have the players run out on to the field with their kids. It was a better idea to wait for Andre Rison to be off the team before doing this.
Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 08:57PM by Registered CommenterRusty in | Comments1 Comment

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August 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertnt

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