Making Ourselves Look Foolish - Week 13 Predictions
I'm sure that some of you have noticed that Canwest has its reporters writing blogs about the various CFL teams. As far as I can tell this is going on for the Lions, Stamps, Esks, Riders and Als. So why are there no Argos/Cats blogs? You can't tell me that Sean Fitz-Gerald and Matthew Sekeres are that busy. What gives?
(A-Rad is indisposed, but has promised to come up with something or other of at least minor value over the weekend.)
Rusty's Picks:
Calgary at Hamilton
Was it really only last year when the Stamps went into Hamilton and lost to Ron Lancaster and the Cats? That seems like a while ago. Anyway, you have to think that the Cats have the advantage this year given how pumped up they'll be now that they all have their own copies of the Danny Mac picture book. Let's just hope it's not a pop-up book.
Pick: Calgary
B.C. at Saskatchewan
I'm guessing that the Lions haven't fully implemented their "Be A Fan, Not A Fool" program. Good thing for Rob Murphy that it's on the back burner.
Pick: Saskatchewan
Edmonton at Montreal
The Eskimos signed Tim Cheatwood earlier this week and despite the fact that he played for the Als last year, he won't be giving up any of Montreal's secrets. Or at least that's what he's telling reporters. ""I'm one of those guys who wouldn't say anything too revealing. It's just ethics. That's the way it is." Luckily though, spitting at opposing offensive linemen... completely in bounds. He's just trying to help them wash up.
Pick: Edmonton
Winnipeg at Toronto
Signs that things aren't going well for your favourite team #273: You're happy at the end of the CFL Snap "Plays of the Week" segment because no highlights of the previous week's game were shown.
To steal from a sign at an Arizona Cardinals game... The winning streak starts on Sunday.
Pick: Toronto
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