Are the Ticats too legit to quit?
Well on their way to a third straight season of futility, it's at the point where we're almost starting to feel sorry for Ticats' fans. This is especially the case because they now have a coaching staff that's evidently never heard of the no-yards rule, which meant that they spent almost the entire game on Saturday evidently convinced they'd discovered a loophole in the CFL rulebook. "Wait…there's no fair catch…let's just hit him as soon as he catches the ball! Oh look…a flag! Must be a holding call."
That said, there's clearly at least one bright spot for Steeltown. Whatever else goes wrong, it is - and shall remain - "Hammer Time."
Honestly, we applaud the Ticats' braintrust on this one. Your city is nicknamed "The Hammer." Kids love MC Hammer. So even if not all the Ticats actually have minds to rhyme and two hyped feet, it's only natural to announce that it's "Hammer Time" (complete with a scoreboard graphic of menacing-looking hammers) every time they take the field.
Having discovered this brilliant new form of in-game entertainment at Saturday's (thoroughly enjoyable) Argos-Ticats tilt, we're almost ready to forgive Bob Young & co. for inexplicably replacing music between plays with completely random audio clips from Adam Sandler movies. But if the Ticats are going to do this, they should really do it right.
For one thing, they really need to get MC Hammer involved somehow, since otherwise there's a pretty excellent chance he's going to sue. (He seems like he could probably use the money, and he doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot other than posting Youtube clips on his blog and winning raffles.) And besides, the way things have gone the past few years, Hamilton could use a fresh start.
So enough with this "Ticats" business. We hereby call on the team to change its name to the far more winsome "Hamilton Hammertime." The next step is to replace that feline logo with this gorgeous mug. Put the cheerleaders in parachute pants, obviously. Replace Stripes and T.C. with giant inflatable MC Hammers. And top it all off by naming the man himself as the new Pigskin Pete.
You have to admit, it pretty much sells itself. Now if only we could figure out a way to get Maestro Fresh Wes involved in Argos' games...
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