Entries in Damn you Trebek (1)
Making Ourselves Look Foolish '11 - Week 5
BC at Winnipeg
One of the interesting things about twitter is following players who are no longer in the league. This week we got two disturbing glimpses into the lives of retired players. The first was Damon Allen’s “planking”, which was at least impressive in the sense that he was able to get up on top of the golf cart at age 85.
While Damon seems to be enjoying retirement, on the other end we’ve got Casey Printers who is apparently training to be a fashion model. Do fashion models need to work well with others? No? OK, then good career choice Casey, I’m sure you’ll have a long second career.
Pick: Winnipeg
Montreal at Hamilton
So Calvillo might not be able to go? This is the best quarterback related news for Hamilton since Timmy Chang got arrested.
Pick: Hamilton
Toronto at Edmonton
Wait the Esks are 2 games up in the West even after having used a second round pick in the draft on a guy who played for U of T? Huh. Looks like they made a number of good decisions in the offseason that are paying off handsomely for the team.
Well, except for the decision to have each of the players have their signature up on the website. Some of them are questionable (I mean come on, that penmanship is atrocious).
Pick: Toronto
Calgary at Saskatchewan
So the Stamps (most notably Rambo) have been disappointed with the booing at home games this year. Now most people would say that the easiest way to remedy this is to play better and that the fans will come around.
Not me though.
Look Stamps players, you’re playing in a place where too much is expected. The team’s been good in the post-Feterik years... the price of oil looks like it’ll head over $100/bbl for another extended period... real estate prices remain strong, unemployment and taxes are low... Take the easy way out. Go to a place where none of those factors are in play and demand a trade to London, Ontario... or Hamilton... Hamilton might be easier.
Pick: Saskatchewan
Bonus pick:
All of the Argos have somehow been injured in practice, leaving Pinball to play the Eskimos by himself. Compounding matters, the Eskies sign the new super-athlete, Alex Trebek. How does Pinball do?*
Boatmenblog Pick:
Damn it, Trebek is a non-import too. Good move Edmonton, good move.
Trebek isn’t much on offence but significantly upgrades Edmonton’s ability to chase down Pinball in the open field. Going into the half with only a 35 point lead, Pinball challenges Trebek’s sidekick Watson to an impromptu halftime Jeopardy match. With no pesky judges on hand, Pinball gives a 15 minute question to the first answer confusing Trebek to the point where he takes a nap for the second half. Pinball romps in the second half.
Final: Pinball 105 Eskimos 0
And for the record, Pinball’s question was correct. As if there were any doubt.