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Making Ourselves Look Foolish... Again

Bombers vs. Als

Understand, this has been an enormously difficult summer for us. Ordinarily, we can rely on the unintentional comic stylings of Jack Todd to supply roughly 80% of our Als-related content. But Jack has apparently been spending his summer toodling around Europe, depriving us of his regular baiting of Als fans, his potshots at Jim Popp's taste in cars and that weird thing where he inexplicably strings together the same vowel 18 times in a row at the start of his columns. The good news is that, in his absence, he somehow possessed the soul of fellow Gazette writer Herb Zurkowsky, who's managed to go to war with both Popp and pretty much every Als fan in the city. Now that Todd has returned from his European odyssey, these two are going to be unstoppable!

Pick: Als

Eskimos vs. Lions

Just in time for this week's rematch, CFL.ca has enlisted the services of Siddeeq Shabazz to tell us about "the game of life." Blogs by professional athletes don't normally require a ton of deep thought, but we'll be honest: The debut entry on the enjoyably named "Siddeeq Sezz" goes a little over our heads, at least when it comes to this thing. If anyone can explain what exactly Siddeeq's "extraordinary transformation centre" does, we're all ears. In the meanwhile, we're going to follow the centre's advice and begin referring to our bodies as our "body vehicles." This promises to greatly impress and intimidate the other flag football players.

Pick: Lions

Posted on Friday, August 8, 2008 at 04:57PM by Registered CommenterA-Rad in | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)


August 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertnt
I'm a big Mike Bishop fan, but can he play MLB? That seems to be a bit of a more pressing need.
August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRusty

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