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Reason #468 David Cynamon is cooler than Bob Young

One of the things we love about David Cynamon - and there are many - is that, in keeping with the random burst of Andrew WK that piped in through the loud speakers last night, he's a man who appreciates the value of partying hard. And so we especially enjoyed his summation of the Argos' debacle of a home opener:

"It's a major disappointment. I mean, it's like hosting a party at your home, you've got everything lined up, everybody is showing up, weather is great and you forgot to bring the alcohol, and everybody goes home disappointed."

We've been to a party at David Cynamon's home, so we can attest that this is a man who would never, ever forget to provide alcohol. (Nor would he forget to scantily clad women lounging on ice sculptures, but we digress). That being said, what we witnessed last night was worse than going to a party without alchohol. It was like going to a party where the only alcohol turns out to be Steelback.

In other words, we didn't just go home disappointed. We went home confused, angry and slightly nauseous, knowing that we'd feel worse before we felt better. Even the absence of a certain Steelback founder himself wasn't enough to make up for that.

Posted on Friday, July 4, 2008 at 06:55PM by Registered CommenterA-Rad in | CommentsPost a Comment

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