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Je me souviens, Ed

It was reported in the Montreal Gazette a week ago that Ed Philion is most likely going to retire before the start of next season. 

While we generally do not like to see anyone forced to leave a job they love, we'll make an exception in Philion's case. Regardless of the fact that he was a three-time CFL all-star, we will always remember Philion as a man who always went the extra mile to ensure that the other team's quarterback was injured before the end of the game. While most of his biggest "hits" came against the Argos, he was an equal opportunity offender and also managed to injure Dave Dickenson, Khari Jones and Casey Printers. Pretty impressive given that he averaged just over 1.5 tackles per game in his CFL career.

No word on what Philion plans to do in retirement; however, we're guessing that it won't involve fishing. After all, you can't catch a fish by diving at its knees.

Posted on Saturday, March 31, 2007 at 03:45PM by Registered CommenterRusty in | CommentsPost a Comment

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