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Bidding farewell to Toronto's most beloved #13

Allow us to break, ever so briefly, from our usual diet of snark and gentle mockery. Because this genuinely depresses us.

It's not that we didn't see it coming; the assortment of insiders who'd look at our Clifford Ivory jersey and inform us we'd soon be buying a different one was kind of a dead giveaway. But you can tell from the press release that even the Argos are depressed by Cliff's release, and they're the ones doing the releasing.

Cliff is one of the CFL's genuinely good guys, and he'll be missed. This also presents some of us with a dilemma. If he goes to, say, the Ticats, we're gonna feel pretty uncomfortable still wearing his jersey. But if we run into him wearing a different jersey, he might be crushed. This, after all, is the guy who dispenses hugs, free drinks and invites people to come party after the game in his trailer when he sees you wearing #13.

Then again, he never did call us for that drink we were supposed to go for in the off-season. So you might say he's a bit of a tease. We're gonna tell ourselves that, anyway, because it'll make this whole thing a bit easier to take.

Posted on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 02:51PM by Registered CommenterA-Rad in | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

Just heard the news about Ivory's release on the radio and I immediately thought of you. It's always tough when your favourite team cuts ties with your favourite player.
I'm still trying to get over the Winnipeg Jets trading away Teemu Selanne, and the Jets haven't existed for a decade.
December 19, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterPete
So the players on both Shoomy and A-Rad's jerseys (Jerome Davis and Clifford Ivory respectively) have been released.

If Jonathan Brown goes next it'll be confirmed that Adam Rita didn't like us giving away his interview secrets.

December 20, 2006 | Registered CommenterRusty

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