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Your daily Maciocia moment

Okay, maybe not quite daily. But in honour of the Argos' back-to-back games against the Eskimos, beginning with the forthcoming Turkey Day matchup, we're going to do our best to celebrate the CFL's most singularly entertaining coach. And no, we won't rest until we've found that clip of him running onto the field a play early to celebrate Edmonton's Grey Cup win.

We stand by our assessment that Maciocia is the Ozzie Guillen of the CFL - partly because his team appeared to win a championship in spite of him, and partly because he seemed very close to duplicating this classic Ozzie moment with Jason Maas after a recent Esks/Ticats game. But for now, we're going to take you back...all the way back to his proud days fighting for equality and justice.

Allow us to set the scene.  It's Montreal, somewhere in the early 1990s, and a young Georges Laraque is a two-sport threat. One day, however, the time comes for him to decide whether to go with football or hockey - and he opts for the latter. So he goes to his midget football coach, one Danny Maciocia, to give him the bad news. And what happens? Well, take it away, Georges:

"He said there's no brothers in hockey and you're not going to make it in the NHL. He said, 'Stay with football.' I told him no, and he was so disappointed."


Posted on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 07:03AM by Registered CommenterA-Rad in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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