Argo Notes (special Argonotes edition)
It's not the delightful pep's the return of our semi-regular roundup of a few things that don't quite merit full entries. Confusing matters is that this edition actually does include a reference to the aforementioned pep band.
- Among the happiest developments this season has been the team's long overdue inclusion of our friends in the Argonotes in the official game presentation. Now perched on a platform in the end zone, these are clearly high-flying times for our man Steve Hayman and the gang. We have absolutely nothing bad to say about this, so we'll just point out that their version of Ain't Seem Nothing Yet is infinitely better than the original BTO version. Also, at the risk of offending the invariably gracious Argonotes, we'd like to politely request that Saskatchewan's pep band not be afforded similar status when the 'Riders are in town.
- Among the unhappiest developments this season? The inexplicable disappearance of the Argos' celebration car. Having taken a ride in it ourselves (okay, we sat stationary in it at Grey Cup '04 and drank beer), its absence is second only to the axing of the cheese race (more on that soon, again) on our list of grievances.
- We've been itching for quite a while to point out the appalling spectacle that is Gabriel Morency, the "Hardcore Sports Radio" host who periodically turns up on The Score. Since he usually talks about basketball, this would have exceeded our mandate and thus confused and possibly frightened our readers. But since he's now giving his weekly CFL picks, it's time.
Catching his act on a local bar's big-screen before the last home game, a friend pointed out (folllowing the inevitable "this is the worst thing I've ever seen") that Morency appears to be The Score's answer to Poochie - the cartoon dog with "attitude" brought in to make the Itchy and Scratchy Show more edgy. As you can see, he does indeed bear considerable resemblance. But truth is, this guy's not even Poochie...he's Roy, the even lamer human version of Poochie who appears in the same episode. - Let the record show that Jude St. John has killed a lot of birds.
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