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And so begins our unstoppable march to the Grey Cup

We don't want to say it totally made up for last year's East Final, because that might be overstating things ever so slightly. But, you know, it's pretty obvious that the Argos made a big statement on Saturday.

That statement, obviously, is that we absolutely own the Als when they're starting Marcus Brady. Also, that our third-string guys are so much better than their third-string guys that we don't even need a real kicker to beat them.

Seriously, though, there were some encouraging signs, mostly on offence. Things we learned on Saturday:

  • Michael Bishop is capable of playing a strong first quarter, not just coming off the bench (although it still disturbs us that this guy's 31 years old).
  • Mike McMahon is good enough to help us get over the all-too-short Tom Arth era.
  • Eric Crouch still throws like a girl.
  • With Steve Buratto in and Kent Austin marooned in Regina, the Argos may run more in the first game this season than they did in the entire first half of last season. On the other hand, they'll have at least 50% less awesome car-related advertising
  • It's never too early in the season for Jonathan Brown to demand some noise.
We'd go on, but we're too busy lamenting that there's no longer somebody named Woodly Telfort on the roster. On the bright side, Woodly is presumably consoling himself at his summer home in the Hamptons.
Posted on Monday, June 11, 2007 at 02:13PM by Registered CommenterA-Rad in | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

So indeed, the drive for the Cup in 2007 has a promising start.

I hope you boatmenbloggers and readers alike find time to hang out at the new tailgate location. It's at the paved lot across the street from the old one... on the south-west corner of Bremner and York.

Perhaps you stayed away just knowing we'd be visited by nude protesters on bikes. (Where were the women?) But if you knew about that, surely it would have been your duty to warn fellow Argo fans.

3rd Quarter appearances on Jumbotron seem to be coming a regular occurrence. Things were kind of fuzzy at that point for me (remember the tailgate) but I counted four of you.

I got to thinking that we might get a fourth blogger here. Sort of a continuity editor-type guy who would ensure top 10 list countdowns don't end at 5.

But bringing a fourth blogger on would no doubt create problems of it's own. Cyberguys named warren might take issue and start a campaign to can them as a blogger.

(The key to preventing that of course is never mention warren's last name, and he won't ever find this site on google!)

But hey, pre-season and all, it still was nice to be back watching football, eh?
June 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTuck
Damn, I thought we got away with stopping at 5.
June 14, 2007 | Registered CommenterRusty

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